First name and last name are used to create your Formatted Name, as "Last, First". If your first name is Charles and your last name is Smith, your Formatted Name in our roster will be Smith, Charles.
If you go by a Preferred Name instead of your First Name, then your Preferred Name will replace your First Name in our roster. If your first name is Charles and your last name is Smith, but you go by Chuck, your Formatted Name in our roster will be Smith, Chuck.
If you do not have a home phone number, leave blank.
If you do not have a work phone number, leave blank.
If you do not have a cell phone number, leave blank.
The type of smartphone you have. If you don't have a smart phone, select None. If you have a smartphone but it's not Apple and not Google Android, select Other.
Use the arrows to position month or year. For quicker setting of year, highlight the year and enter the year directly.
This email address will be tied to your user name for our website.
Alternate e-mail address is for internal use only and will not be published.
Alternate phone number is for internal use only and will not be published.
We expect the number of girls teams playing varsity flag football to double this year!

High School Football Officials